Hieronder een overzicht van de (wetenschappelijke) onderzoeken die we in het jaar 2021 hebben uitgevoerd.
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Titel: The Compulsory Care Act: Early Observations and Expectations of In- or Outpatient Involuntary Treatment.
Jaar: 2021
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Meewerkend vanuit GGNet: Stephan Gemsa.
Titel: Validity of the Self-Expression and Emotion Regulation in Art Therapy Scale.
Jaar: 2021
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Meewerkend vanuit GGNet: Suzanne Haeyen.
Titel: Number of Seclusions in the Netherlands Higher in the 7 Years Since the End of a Nationwide Seclusion-Reduction Program.
Jaar: 2021
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Meewerkend vanuit GGNet: Eric O. Noorthoorn.
Titel: Examining the association between exposome score for schizophrenia and functioning in schizophrenia, siblings, and healthy controls: Results from the EUGEI study.
Jaar: 2021
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Meewerkend vanuit GGNet: Jurjen J Luykx.
Titel: Effects of implementation intentions on subthreshold binge eating.
Jaartal: 2021, 4 januari.
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Meewerkend vanuit GGNet: Maartje S. Vroling.
Titel: Polygenic risk scores for genetic counseling in psychiatry: Lessons learned from other fields of medicine.
Jaartal: 2021, februari.
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Meewerkend vanuit GGNet: GGNet Mental Health.
Titel: Frailty as a Predictor of Mortality in Late-Life Depression: A Prospective Clinical Cohort Study.
Jaar: 2021, 30 maart.
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Meewerkend vanuit GGNet: Paul Naarding.
Titel: The effect of prednisolone on symptom severity in schizophrenia: A placebo-controlled, randomized controlled trial.
Jaar: 2021, april.
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Meewerkend vanuit GGNet: Jurken Luykx.
Titel: Study protocol of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-center trial to treat antipsychotic-induced weight gain: the Metformin-Lifestyle in antipsychotic users (MELIA) trial.
Jaar: 2021, 5 januari.
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Meewerkend vanuit GGNet: Folkwin Hulshof, Rudolf de Knijff, Peter Duindam, Mike Veereschild.
Titel: Morbidity and mortality in schizophrenia with comorbid substance use disorders.
Jaartal: 2021, juli.
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Meewerkend vanuit GGNet: Jurjen J. Luykx.
Titel: Antipsychotic discontinuation: mind the patient and the real-world evidence.
Jaar: 2021, juli.
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Meewerkend vanuit GGNet: Jurjen J. Luykx.
Titel: Charles Bonnet syndrome in patients with Stargardt disease: prevalence and risk factors.
Jaar: 2021, 4 augustus.
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Meewerkend vanuit GGNet: Rob J. Teunisse.
Titel: Longitudinal associations between alcohol use, smoking, genetic risk scoring and symptoms of depression in the general population: a prospective 6-year cohort study.
Jaar: 2021, 11 augustus.
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Meewerkend vanuit GGNet: Jurjen J. Luykx.
Titel: Neurobiological correlates of antisociality across adolescence and young adulthood: a multi-sample, multi-method study.
Jaar: 2021, 27 augustus.
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Meewerkend vanuit GGNet: Marjan de Vries-Bouw.
Titel: Genetic copy number variants, cognition and psychosis: a meta-analysis and a family study.
Jaar: 2021, september.
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Meewerkend vanuit GGNet: Jurjen J. Luykx.
Titel: Genetic underpinnings of schizophrenia-related electroencephalographical intermediate phenotypes: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Jaar: 2021, 10 januari.
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Meewerkend vanuit GGNet: Jurjen J. Luykx.
Titel: Longitudinal clinical and functional outcome in distinct cognitive subgroups of first-episode psychosis: a cluster analysis.
Jaar: 2021 Oct 19
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Meewerkend vanuit GGNet: Amrita Mahabir.
Titel: Comprehensive analyses of RNA-seq and genome-wide data point to enrichment of neuronal cell type subsets in neuropsychiatric disorders.
Jaar: 2021, 1 november.
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Meewerkend vanuit GGNet: Jurjen J. Luykx.
Titel: Impaired Visual Emotion Recognition After Minor Ischemic Stroke.
Jaar: 2021, 21 november.
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Meewerkend vanuit GGNet: Wilma Smith-Spijkerboer.
Titel: Loneliness, social network size, and mortality in older adults and the role of cortisol.
Jaar: 2021, december.
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Meewerkend vanuit GGNet: Paul Naarding.
Titel: Dialectical behavior therapy adapted for binge eating compared to cognitive behavior therapy in obese adults with binge eating disorder: a controlled study.
Jaar: 2021, 21 december.
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Meewerkend vanuit GGNet: Mirjam W. Lammers.